Technical components

The construction of the Nachtigal project was divided into 4 main lots:

Civil engineering works  for the general earthworks, the main dam, the closing dam, the canal water intakes, the power plant, the intake canal, the penstocks, the tailrace, etc.

Electromechanical works lot for the equipment of the power station (7 Francis units of 60MW each) and the production substation.

Transmission line lot for the construction of transmission lines between the power station and the substation; between the substation and the Nyom 2 connection station, as well as local distribution lines.

Nachtigal Camp lot for the construction and equipment of the camp that houses all the operating staff of the hydroelectric facility.

The construction works of the Nachtigal project have stared on February 1st 2019.

At the end of January 2025, the project’s overall progress rate was 98.3%, distributed as follows:

Civil engineering
Transmission line
Nachtigal Camp
AudreyLes composantes techniques en