NHPC creates road safety clubs in the Nachtigal project area’s schools
Flash News 207
NHPC and SONATREL sign the Transmission Network Access Contract
Flash News 205
NHPC continues to support young people in the Nachtigal project area
Flash News 204
NHPC pursues its fight program against onchocerciasis
Flash News 203
World Bank’s Administrator for Cameroon visits Nachtigal’s construction site
Flash News 202
NHPC commissions Nachtigal hydroelectric facility’s Unit N2
Flash news 201
NHPC conducts the first experimental fishing in Nachtigal’s future fishery
Flash news 200
NHPC builds and equips RA/HECs’s workshops in the Nachtigal project area
Flash news 199
NHPC strengthens MINEPDED staff’s skills
Flash news 198
The Grand Inga Project Development and Promotion Agency visits the Nachtigal construction site
Showing 1–10 of 28 results